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What Do You Know?

"In Europe there's a lot more coverage of international news," said Farleigh Dickinson University poli sci professor Dan Cassino. "It's much easier to ignore international politics if you live in the U.S." Fighting words (though, admittedly, probably true). Cassino was being quoted in a BBC News story about a recent Pew Research Center survey of 1,002 U.S. adults in which several questions, having to do mainly with foreign
affairs but also the U.S. government, were answered correctly by fewer than 30 percent of the respondents. You can take the 12-question quiz and compare your score here:
   Speaking of what we know and don't, what's a Farleigh Dickinson? Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't heard that name, but in case I'm not: It's a private, nonsectarian, coed university founded in 1942. It has four campuses, two in New Jersey, one in Canada, and one in England. FDU has been associated with the United Nations since its inception, and in 2002, it was recognized by that body as an NGO:
   Lastly, here's the BBC story, but don't read it until you take the quiz, as it gives away some of the answers:

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