al-Shabab AP |
Back in 2011, I posted a link to that year's Global Peace Index (
http://somanyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2011/05/peace-out.html). Little has changed. Then, the three least peaceful countries were Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan. We all know about Iraq and have been hearing more about Sudan as the situation there devolves (
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/interactives/sudan/). And now Somalia is re-entering our radar (remember the pirates?
http://somanyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2013/07/surviving-in-somalia.html). If we need any more proof that it is injustice or perceived injustice (which more often than not has some basis in reality) that is the breeding ground of terrorism, Somalia is it. Here's some background on the country and on al-Shabab, Somalia's version of al-Qaeda that is operating not just there but over the border in Kenya and whose leader the U.S. just killed (story, video):
Voice of America speculates about al-Shabab's future after the death of its leader, Ahmed Abdi Godane:
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