The countryside has not changed, the author writes. Emma Hardy |
A spell-binding account by the son of the former first secretary to the British ambassador to Cambodia of his return to Phnom Penh with his father for the first time since they had to flee. As is explained in his father's private letter written at the time, "Our government continues to behave abominably, not daring to take any
step without first getting permission from Washington, and as a result
we are now being even more bitterly attacked by [Cambodia's Prince Norodom] Sihanouk than the
Americans for doing the Americans’ dirty work for them."
What they found is at once heart-rending and frustrating and exotic and tragically beautiful ~ a place of gentle yet brave, wounded people haunted by the past and oppressed and suppressed in the present:
(BTW, "
Il y a des jeunes filles ici dedans qui ont très, très peur" means "There are some young women inside who are very, very frightened.")
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