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Hmmm. This will come first in the list of posts, but, of course, I wrote it after "RoyalList." Writing that one made me wonder if we have any similar mnemonic device for our presidents. Couldn't find anything as simple and short, but there is a poem that works pretty well, until we get to Taft. I think a new author must have taken over at that point, because the rest doesn't flow nearly as well, so I took it upon myself to rewrite the rest (and make a couple of little changes in the second and third stanzas):

George Washington leads them, the great and the true.
John Adams succeeds him, and Jefferson, too.
Madison follows, and fifth comes Monroe,
with John Quincy Adams and Jackson below.

The term of Van Buren to Harrison's leads;
Tyler, Polk, Taylor, then Fillmore succeeds.
Pierce and Buchanan, and Lincoln in turn,
is followed by Johnson and Grant, so we learn.

Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, and Cleveland, not Blaine.

Then Harrison's followed by Cleveland again.

Next comes McKinley and the full dinner pail,
and one we call "Teddy," who to Cuba did sail.

William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, the first World War,

Harding, Coolidge, then Hoover, and the country was poor.

F.D.R. had a New Deal and World War II,
After that and Korea's, Truman was through.

Eisenhower is followed by the young JFK,

whose assassination taps his VP, LBJ. 
Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Ron Reagan twice,
Then Bush was elected, 'cause Ron couldn't run thrice.

Bill Jefferson Clinton was our Number Four-Two,

and after two terms came Bush W.
Eight years of George, and Obama's the one.
After this second term, he, too, will be done.

   You can find the original at .
   If that doesn't do it for you, there are more: The Animaniacs' song, though a bit long, includes interesting bits of information about each president, up to Clinton (video):
   And here's a site about memory and memorization, including help with the presidents:

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