The Keystone XL Pipeline. I have to admit to being sick to death of hearing about it, and I imagine I'm not the only one. Pro, con, pro, con. The results of a recent poll encapsulate the contradictory feelings of the populace. While 65% of Americans want it, 47% say it will pose a risk to the environment. Why are so many in favor? Despite a State Department report estimating that, after the first two years, only 50 permanent jobs will have been created, those in favor overwhelmingly believe it will have significant economic benefits:
The basic details have gotten lost in all the noise. It's all about a proposed expansion of an already existing line, which currently runs from Alberta, Canada, to Oklahoma. The "XL" part would add two new lines, one from Oklahoma to the Gulf Coast of Texas and the other from Alberta to Kansas via Montana and North Dakota:
Who actually owns these oil sands fields?:
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