KW |
A few years ago, I embarked on a personal mission to find the coffee-brewing method that would work best for me (if it turned out to also work for my spouse, so much the better). At the time, we had the usual black plastic coffeemaker, and the requirement that topped my list was No Plastic. Coffee flavor was probably second to that. Long story short (too late for that?), I tried the stovetop percolator (kept burning it because I had no way of knowing when it was done), the porcelain coffee cone (inherited from my mom and used at work, where it was just right for the single cup), the french press (OK, though the coffee always ended up pretty sludgy and I never could find one without plastic), and, finally, the one I've stuck with all these years, the beautifully designed, no-plastic-anywhere, makes-great-coffee Chemex. I was gratified to see that it made No. 1 on the
Huffington Post's list, too:
All hail Peter J. Schlumbohm, Ph.D.:
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