We've all used it at one time or another. In fact, it probably ranks up there with duct tape as one of those things it's always good to have on hand. But how many of us know who invented WD-40 or even what the name means? Here, in this Q&A with WD-40 Co. CEO Gary Ridge, is a little bit of everything you've never thought about wanting to know about this oleaginous product. And just to tempt you, the name stands for "water displacement, 40th formula": http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-qa-wd-40-20150730-story.html
being a collection of links to übercool articles, information, and news you might not otherwise know about (n.b., many, if not most, of these posts are not time-sensitive, so feel free to browse the archives, too)
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Mr. Tupper's Wares
Probably the best business partnerships are those between the one with the head in the clouds and the one with the feet solidly planted on the ground ~ if both can accept that drastic difference, appreciate each other's aptitudes, and tolerate each other over the long term. Witness the juicy, almost unbelievable story of Earl Tupper and Brownie Wise. Tupper had ideas, he had big dreams, and he had the genius it took to look at things in a new way. He started inventing things in his teens, but nothing took off. Then, in the 1940s, working at a plastics company, Tupper got hold of some polyethylene, and after much experimenting managed to come up with a kind of plastic that was moldable and didn't have the strong odor of polyethylene. With it, he created the tubs with locking lids we know as Tupperware. They were revolutionary and useful, and yet, they didn't take off until Tupper hooked up with a cleaning-supplies saleswoman named Brownie Wise. It was she who began introducing them to housewives at "Tupperware parties." Unfortunately, the partnership soured and Tupper sold the company, using the proceeds to buy himself an island in Costa Rica. And Wise?: http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/51846685?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u1562&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0
For short histories and interesting trivia about various of the ingenious inventions that, while not all indispensable, have made our life a little bit easier ~ things like coffee filters, adhesive tape, umbrellas, bar codes, rubber bands, and chopsticks ~ check out http://www.hidden-heroes.net/. It takes a while to load, but it's worth it.
For short histories and interesting trivia about various of the ingenious inventions that, while not all indispensable, have made our life a little bit easier ~ things like coffee filters, adhesive tape, umbrellas, bar codes, rubber bands, and chopsticks ~ check out http://www.hidden-heroes.net/. It takes a while to load, but it's worth it.
In King Kong's Footsteps
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according to one estimate, only 100,000 koalas remain Joel Sartore |
Four Founders Found
Of course you remember Jamestown from your U.S. history classes. Over the last years, we've learned more and more about that settlement and the people who lived there, for good or ill. And now we know a lot more. The remains of four of the founders ~ Sir Ferdinando Wainman, a nobleman; the Rev. Robert Hunt, a chaplain; Capt. Gabriel Archer, a soldier; and Capt. William West, an explorer (who was somehow related to Wainman) ~ were identified using a combination of chemical analyses, 3D imaging, genealogy, and the way they were buried. By studying the teeth, for example, archaeologists learned not only how old each individual was, but how long each had been in Jamestown prior to death. Once their identities were established, journals, letters, and other documents added details to round out the story of each life (story, video): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150728-jamestown-archaeology-forensics-pocahontas-history-skeletons-religion/
To learn, or relearn, more about Jamestown, go to (story, links to more, video): http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown
To learn, or relearn, more about Jamestown, go to (story, links to more, video): http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown
It's What You Think It Is
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another interpretation J.V. Mallow |
A Little Polonium With Your Tea?
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Litvinenko Alistair Fuller/AP |
Land Before Time
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Doggerland recreated National Geographic Channel |
Like ashes the low cliffs crumble,
The banks drop down into dust,
The heights of the hills are made humble,
As a reed's is the strength of their trust;
As a city's that armies environ,
The strength of their stay is of sand:
But the grasp of the sea is as iron,
As a reed's is the strength of their trust;
As a city's that armies environ,
The strength of their stay is of sand:
But the grasp of the sea is as iron,
Laid hard on the land.
Swinburne's poem about the North Sea is long but evocative. There is a reason he was, in his time, considered by many to be the successor to Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and Robert Browning: http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/swinburne/northsea.html
Art Ads Up
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Cuban Evolution
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Elián at Union of Young Communists meeting, 2010 AP |
Remember Elián González, the little Cuban boy who landed in Florida after the boat carrying him, his mother, and others broke down? Elián's mother died, but he was rescued and taken to live with relatives in Miami, starting a tug of war between them and the boy's father back in Cuba. Eventually, he was sent back, and now, 15 years later, he's commenting on the turn in U.S.-Cuba relations. "The establishment of relations at the embassy level is a measure of the Cuban revolution throughout history," he said. "While they [Washington] continue to criticize our model ... it has been recognized they have a failed policy": http://yhoo.it/1Ms62lO
Mrs. Livingstone, I Presume?
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the Livingstones |
Deal or No Deal?
It's a great, transformative deal and will save the world from certain destruction. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to the world and will lead directly to our certain annihilation. There's no denying that the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran is a major step, but in which direction? Whom to believe? This is one of the most objective and informative examinations of the issue I could find, and its points echo those of other analyses. The conclusion seems to be that both sides have legitimate points but that, in the end, it is a risk worth taking: http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21657803-nuclear-deal-iran-better-alternativeswar-or-no-deal-all-hiyatollah
Digging down a little deeper into politics and international relations, we will always find the major corporations and the money trail. This commentary touches on that reality. It came from a site by a group called "EA Worldview," whose editor (and the writer of this piece), Scott Lucas, according to the site, is a professional journalist and professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham and was also once adjunct professor at Tehran University and a member of the Executive Board of the Center for American Studies and Research at American University Beirut: http://eaworldview.com/2015/07/iran-analysis-nuclear-deal-understanding-a-victory-that-comes-with-costs/
Anyone who wonders "what we get out of it" or who is skeptical of money being a driving force here might want to read this: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/20/western-businesses-eye-iran-after-un-backs-nuclear-deal and http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/us-offers-billions-in-arms-to-ease-mideast-anxiety-over-iran-deal/ar-AAcJHOX?srcref=rss
Digging down a little deeper into politics and international relations, we will always find the major corporations and the money trail. This commentary touches on that reality. It came from a site by a group called "EA Worldview," whose editor (and the writer of this piece), Scott Lucas, according to the site, is a professional journalist and professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham and was also once adjunct professor at Tehran University and a member of the Executive Board of the Center for American Studies and Research at American University Beirut: http://eaworldview.com/2015/07/iran-analysis-nuclear-deal-understanding-a-victory-that-comes-with-costs/
Anyone who wonders "what we get out of it" or who is skeptical of money being a driving force here might want to read this: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/20/western-businesses-eye-iran-after-un-backs-nuclear-deal and http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/us-offers-billions-in-arms-to-ease-mideast-anxiety-over-iran-deal/ar-AAcJHOX?srcref=rss
Good Hair Days
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Nasir Sobhani gives Chris a cut and a shave Sarah Matray |
The Women Behind the Mockingbird
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Tay Hohoff and friend |
Clarissa Atkinson was an assistant at J.P. Lippincott, which published Mockingbird, at the time of Lee and Hohoff and recalls those years in a blog. "Miss Hohoff not only stood up to the important suits in the office," she writes; "she had her own suits, some of them pin-striped. It’s not difficult for me to believe that her influence on Lee and on Mockingbird was substantial – more than that, if she was indeed responsible for the decision to tell the story we know in the voice of the nine-year old narrator": https://oldestvocation.wordpress.com/2015/02/05/mockingbird-years/
Brave New Postcapitalist World
TED Talk
The old dictum is that one should never talk religion or politics in polite company, but I've been finding lately that fewer and fewer actually believe or follow that rule. Which I, personally, find refreshing. I mean, unless you're a farmer or a sailor, how interesting is tomorrow's weather after the first couple of comments? Yes, there are still those who get overly agitated by such topics or refuse to consider any opinion other than their own, and then it's better to change the subject ~ fast. But how do you do that and still engage in meaningful conversation (assuming that you can't sneak away)? Here's a little compendium of TED Talks that, together, answer that question (story, videos): http://blog.ted.com/9-ted-talks-to-inspire-smart-conversation/
Books of Ages
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Atwood, left, with Paterson in the Norwegian forest Bjørvika Utviklingay |
Time and Money
In some areas near my home, it now costs $2 to park for one hour. Almost everywhere, meter hours have lengthened from the traditional 9 a.m.-5 p.m. to 7 a.m.-8 p.m. or even 9 p.m. ~ or even, in some places, 24/7. There are also now electronic meters, with one per every so many spaces. With these, not only does one not get to take advantage of any time that might be left over from the previous car (or one's own car, for that matter), but one must find the machine, pay when the shortest option is often longer than one needs, and run back to the car to place the receipt on the dash. And it all started with lawyer (figures, don't it?) and publisher Carlton C. Magee (1872-1946) of Oklahoma City, who was smart enough to patent his innovation and charge cities for every one: http://mentalfloss.com/article/66050/worlds-first-parking-meter
The Polaroid Project
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4/28/79 Jamie Livingston |
A Robotic Reception
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"you rannng?" IB Times ~ Japan |
Just Because: 'The Swerve'
I came upon this book by Stephen Greenblatt just the other day, in a little canvas-covered A-frame at 7,800 feet up in the High Sierra. It was raining as we hiked the 11.5 miles in to Bearpaw Meadow, and it continued to rain that evening and the next afternoon. But the tent cabins were dry (if not warm ... ), as were the primitive kitchen and common room, with its covered porch overlooking the Western Divide. Perfect reading weather. We have been there before, and one of the first things I do on arriving is check out the camp library ~ three shelves of donated books, guestbooks, and guides to the local flora and fauna. Skipping the preface (and as the version I held didn't include the first pages of photographs), I didn't realize until I hit the first footnote that the book was about a person who actually existed. (Yes, I admit it: I'd never heard of Poggio Bracciolini.) Of course, works of history being what they are, it's difficult if not impossible for an author to be completely objective and accurate even about generalities because, really, we weren't there (and even if we had been ...). Indeed, one review I read calls Swerve a polemic. Another states that it places too much blame on the Roman Catholic Church and too much importance on the works of Lucretius. Most, however, have nothing but praise for the book whose subtitle is How the World Became Modern.
IN THE WINTER OF 1417, Poggio Bracciolini rode through the wooded hills and valleys of southern Germany toward his distant destination, a monastery reputed to have a cache of old manuscripts. As must have been immediately apparent to the villagers looking out at him from the doors of their huts, the man was a stranger. Slight of build and clean-shaven, he would probably have been modestly dressed in a well-made but simple tunic and cloak. That he was not country-bred was clear, and yet he did not resemble any of the city and court dwellers whom the locals would have been accustomed to glimpse from time to time. Unarmed and unprotected by a clanging suit of armor, he was certainly not a Teutonic knight—one stout blow from a raw-boned yokel's club would have easily felled him. Though he did not seem to be poor, he had none of the familiar signs of wealth and status: he was not
What's Motivating Mrs. Mugabe?
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President Robert and Grace Mugabe |
Memories of Naked Men
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Chris Osbum |
The Unknown, Known
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lymphatic vessel in blue, immune cells in red University of Virginia |
Talking to Humans
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screen shot from humansofnewyork.com |
That Other July Revolution
So, the Fourth of July has come and gone, and now it's time to remember another significant revolution, one that was inspired at least in part by ours. The July 14, 1789, storming of the Bastille prison in Paris to release the seven inmates held there at the time marked the beginning of the French Revolution. (In France, the day is known as le quatorze juillet ~ the Fourteenth of July ~ or la fête nationale ~ the national celebration.) A little over a month later, King Louis XVI (1754-1792), who was later executed, signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which outlined the rights of all citizens regardless of their social position. The day became an official holiday in 1880 and, like our Fourth of July, is celebrated with parades and fireworks (website, including a link to live coverage of the fireworks): http://bastille-day.com/
Interestingly, there is also a second quatorze juillet that is sometimes referenced on that date (http://somanyinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2013/07/which-quatorze-juillet.html), and it has more to do with peace than with conflict.
Of course, the most famous novel about this period of French history has to be Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, and should you decide to tackle it (all 300-plus pages in the paperback edition) but don't have a copy on you, go to http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/98.
Writing on the Wall
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Mobstr |
Just Because: 'Dune'
Dune is considered by many to be the best science fiction novel ever written. True or not, the fact is that this book written 50 years ago continues to have a huge cult following. It also continues to have relevance ~ maybe especially now, in dry California, in a time of world instability and change. Even I, who is admittedly not a fan of the genre, enjoyed it (when reading it together with my son many years ago) enough to consider re-reading it, something I rarely do. Our dog at the time, officially named Eddy, became to me, forever after, Muad'Dib.
The story of the man who wrote this book, Frank Herbert (1920-1986) ~ and how he came to write it ~ is as interesting as the book itself. He was, as one might imagine, a Renaissance man. (He once described himself as a "technopeasant.") And, as happens often with the brainchildren of free- and forward-thinkers, his novel was not an immediate success. It was rejected by almost two dozen publishers before it finally found a home, with a publisher of hobby and trade magazines (story, video): http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jul/03/dune-50-years-on-science-fiction-novel-world?CMP=ema_565
A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct. This every sister of the Bene Gesserit knows. To begin your study of the life of Muad'Dib, then, take care that you first place him in his time: born in the 57th year of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV. and take the most special care that you locate Muad'Dib in his place: the planet Arrakis. Do not be deceived by the fact that he was born on Caladan and lived his first fifteen years there. Arrakis, the planet known as Dune, is forever his place.
In the week before their departure to Arrakis, when all the final scurrying about had reached a nearly unbearable frenzy, an old crone came to visit the mother of the boy, Paul.
It was a warm night at Castle Caladan, and the ancient pile of stone that had served the Atreides family as home for twenty-six generations bore that cooled-sweat feeling it acquired before a change in the weather.
The old woman was let in by the side door down the vaulted passage by Paul's room and she was allowed a moment to peer in at him where he lay in his bed.
By the half-light of a suspensor lamp, dimmed and hanging hear the floor, the awakened boy could see a bulky female shape at his door, standing one step ahead of his mother. The old woman was a witch shadow—hair like matted spiderwebs, hooded 'round darkness of features, eyes like glittering jewels.
"Is he not small for his age, Jessica?" the old woman asked. Her voice wheezed and twanged like an untuned baliset.
Paul's mother answered in her soft contralto: "The Atreides are known to start late getting their growth, Your Reverence."
"So I've heard, so I've heard," wheezed the old woman. "Yet he's already fifteen."
"Yes, Your Reverence."
"He's awake and listening to us," said the old woman. "Sly little rascal." She chuckled. "But royalty has need of slyness. And if he's really the Kwisatz Haderach ... well. ... "
Within the shadows of his bed, Paul held his eyes open to mere slits. Two bird-bright ovals—the eyes of the old woman—seemed to expand and glow as they stared into his.
The story of the man who wrote this book, Frank Herbert (1920-1986) ~ and how he came to write it ~ is as interesting as the book itself. He was, as one might imagine, a Renaissance man. (He once described himself as a "technopeasant.") And, as happens often with the brainchildren of free- and forward-thinkers, his novel was not an immediate success. It was rejected by almost two dozen publishers before it finally found a home, with a publisher of hobby and trade magazines (story, video): http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jul/03/dune-50-years-on-science-fiction-novel-world?CMP=ema_565
Book One
A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct. This every sister of the Bene Gesserit knows. To begin your study of the life of Muad'Dib, then, take care that you first place him in his time: born in the 57th year of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV. and take the most special care that you locate Muad'Dib in his place: the planet Arrakis. Do not be deceived by the fact that he was born on Caladan and lived his first fifteen years there. Arrakis, the planet known as Dune, is forever his place.
—from "Manual of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
In the week before their departure to Arrakis, when all the final scurrying about had reached a nearly unbearable frenzy, an old crone came to visit the mother of the boy, Paul.
It was a warm night at Castle Caladan, and the ancient pile of stone that had served the Atreides family as home for twenty-six generations bore that cooled-sweat feeling it acquired before a change in the weather.
The old woman was let in by the side door down the vaulted passage by Paul's room and she was allowed a moment to peer in at him where he lay in his bed.
By the half-light of a suspensor lamp, dimmed and hanging hear the floor, the awakened boy could see a bulky female shape at his door, standing one step ahead of his mother. The old woman was a witch shadow—hair like matted spiderwebs, hooded 'round darkness of features, eyes like glittering jewels.
"Is he not small for his age, Jessica?" the old woman asked. Her voice wheezed and twanged like an untuned baliset.
Paul's mother answered in her soft contralto: "The Atreides are known to start late getting their growth, Your Reverence."
"So I've heard, so I've heard," wheezed the old woman. "Yet he's already fifteen."
"Yes, Your Reverence."
"He's awake and listening to us," said the old woman. "Sly little rascal." She chuckled. "But royalty has need of slyness. And if he's really the Kwisatz Haderach ... well. ... "
Within the shadows of his bed, Paul held his eyes open to mere slits. Two bird-bright ovals—the eyes of the old woman—seemed to expand and glow as they stared into his.
The Brain Germane
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Patricia Marx |
Such a Curious Dream
It was 150 years ago this week that Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published. We all know of and have probably seen at least some of the seemingly limitless movies (animated and not), musicals, various editions, and merchandise (remember Tom Petty's video for "Don't Come Around Here No More"?: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=tom+petty+alice+in+wonderland&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001). It's also pretty much common knowledge that Carroll (né Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), a mathematically gifted but shy young man with a stammer and delicate health, wrote his classic and its sequel, Through the Looking Glass, for one Alice Liddell, the daughter of the dean of Christ Church College, Oxford, where Carroll was sub-librarian: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150702-alice-in-wonderland-lewis-carroll-books/
As with so many books, especially children's books, like Winnie-the-Pooh, for example, a great part of the success is due to superior illustrations, and when we think of Alice, we usually visualize her as she was originally drawn. Alice was illustrated by John Tenniel, whose drawings on paper were carved into woodblocks that were then made into electrotype, or metal, copies. The color plates in the 1911 edition were by Harry G. Theaker (Macmillan website with history, piece by Alice's great-granddaughter, great factoids, timeline, video): http://aliceinwonderland150.com/
The poems we know best, Jabberwocky and The Walrus and the Carpenter, are both from Looking Glass. That book ends with another poem, with which we're less familiar but that is, while not as whimsical, lovely in its own right:
A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July—
As with so many books, especially children's books, like Winnie-the-Pooh, for example, a great part of the success is due to superior illustrations, and when we think of Alice, we usually visualize her as she was originally drawn. Alice was illustrated by John Tenniel, whose drawings on paper were carved into woodblocks that were then made into electrotype, or metal, copies. The color plates in the 1911 edition were by Harry G. Theaker (Macmillan website with history, piece by Alice's great-granddaughter, great factoids, timeline, video): http://aliceinwonderland150.com/
The poems we know best, Jabberwocky and The Walrus and the Carpenter, are both from Looking Glass. That book ends with another poem, with which we're less familiar but that is, while not as whimsical, lovely in its own right:
A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July—
Football Players and Fire Fighters
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Raymond Avenue, back in the day |
If you were to make a right turn at the Juliet Theatre, the one featuring Cops and Robbers and announcing the coming of the sensational Jesus Christ, Superstar, and walk past a few small stores, including Gladmore, "Your Clothes' Best Friend" ("What one little Indian can do, dry cleaning can undo"), and Rose Marie's Boutique, and if you were very, very hungry indeed, you would stop under the sign indicating the humble home of the College Drug and Luncheonette, at 48 Raymond Ave.
We have all been told that it's not right to judge a thing by its exterior. If you remembered this, you would walk past the various cardboard posters in the window proclaiming Sealtest ice cream to be the best, the piece of gray cardboard on which someone had scribbled with a failing pen "Sorry, No Bare Feet," and the two or three athletic awards on display, to open the frail screen door. You wonder vaguely whether it will fall off as its hinges squeak irritatingly. Straight ahead of you, taped onto the cigarette machine only a few steps away, is a friendly reminder from the local AMEN (Americans Mobilized to End Narcotic Abuse) chapter.

Johnny Klein has owned the College Drug and Luncheonette, better known to its employees as "The Drug," since July of 1947, two years after he moved to Poughkeepsie. "My wife is the real boss," he jokes as he slaps a grilled cheese sandwich together. Hanging over the opening of his shirt pocket is a piece of plastic on which are clipped two Bic pens. The piece of plastic has something written on it,
Smelling Like a Rose
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Rose Garden, Exposition Park KW |
A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I found ourselves strolling through the Rose Garden of L.A.'s Exposition Park. The garden was established in 1927 with the planting of 15,000 bushes. There are more than that now, of every color and hue one imagines roses to bear. What most of them don't have, however, is a scent. It's disconcerting, really. We must have bent over dozens of them, and of those, only a couple gave off any kind of rose-like aroma. As one might expect, this is largely the result of our breeding them for color and shape. Something had to give, and it was the smell. Well, scientists have figured out how they might breed that smell back, and it has to do with a little enzyme that goes by the romantic name RhNUDX1: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-discover-why-some-roses-smell-sweeter-than-others--and-how-to-improve-the-scent-10362519.html?icn=puff-12
It's an Idea
This year's Aspen Ideas Festival (June 28-July 4) is almost over, but you can still hear and watch some of the talks. No one can accuse the presenters of shying away from the hard topics ~ this year's theme is "Smart Solutions to the World's Toughest Challenges." There were sessions on North Korea, impact investing, urban innovators, Greece, race and policing, the environment, the Middle East, the aging brain, terrorism, mindfulness, prison reform, data ethics, nanotechnology, religious racism, coding, the Constitution, empathy, the politics of inequality, the fourth world, functional robotics, and the universe. For example. The speakers were too many for me to even attempt a representative list (website): http://www.aspenideas.org/
As the festival is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic, the magazine is carrying reports from the field: http://www.theatlantic.com/special-report/ideas-2015/
As the festival is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic, the magazine is carrying reports from the field: http://www.theatlantic.com/special-report/ideas-2015/
Private Photos, Public Picture
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"Time-Lapse Mining from Internet Photos" photo credit: Nadav Tobias |
In the Time of Humans
According to an email I received, there will be an interesting-sounding website joining the www pantheon on July 8, just in time for the 26th anniversary of World Population Day on July 11. "This interactive site," the email reads, "will explore how key historical milestones
affected the global population, demographic trends and projections." It is being created by Population Connection, a group whose former name, Zero Population Growth, better described its bent. If, however, the site is objective and factual, which one hopes it will be, it could be a fascinating overview of life in the time of humans: http://worldpopulationhistory.org/
Can't wait until the 8th? Here are a couple of sites that have brief summaries of humankind's greatest hits. There have been three major population explosions, and all came at very obvious and understandable times ~ the beginning of agriculture and settled communities; the Industrial Revolution; and the advent of health care improvement (diet, sanitation, medicine) (story, video): http://worldpopulationreview.com/continents/world-population/ and (story, link to interactive map): http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/global-population-growth.html
Can't wait until the 8th? Here are a couple of sites that have brief summaries of humankind's greatest hits. There have been three major population explosions, and all came at very obvious and understandable times ~ the beginning of agriculture and settled communities; the Industrial Revolution; and the advent of health care improvement (diet, sanitation, medicine) (story, video): http://worldpopulationreview.com/continents/world-population/ and (story, link to interactive map): http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/global-population-growth.html
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