There's that saying about nothing being new under the sun, and unfortunately, as the story of Senator Nelson Aldrich (1841-1915) shows, that seems to be true of the influence of money in politics as well. Of course, why would it not be? from
Today's selection—from
America's Bank by Roger
Lowenstein. Senator Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island was the most powerful
senator in America in the early 1900s. He was not wealthy, but wealthy
businessmen who desired his legislative support artfully remedied that
"Nelson W. Aldrich, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was
arguably the most influential figure in Congress at the turn of the
century. In this time of Republican hegemony, his word went practically
unchallenged; so great was his authority that newspapers called him the
'general manager of the United States.' Strongly identified with
business interests, Aldrich resisted popular efforts to regulate
industry and railroads, or to protect labor. The decades since the Civil
War had seen America transformed by the Industrial Revolution, and,
Aldrich viewed the task of government as essentially ensuring that
American business would continue its upward course. In banking as in
other fields, he reflexively defended the status quo. ...
"To appreciate the extent to which Aldrich [held power], one has to
realize how influential he was not only within the Senate but with
Theodore Roosevelt. Although the two did not see eye to eye on popular
issues such as trust-busting, labor reform, and railroads, Roosevelt
valued Aldrich's intelligence and superior financial sense. What's
more, he had to deal with Aldrich's hold on the Finance Committee. As
Roosevelt confessed to the crusading journalist Lincoln Steffens,
'Aldrich is a great man to me; not personally but as the leader of the
Senate. He is a king pin in my game. Sure I bow to Aldrich. . . . I'm
just a president, and he has seen lots of presidents.' ...
"In the marriage of business and government, Aldrich felt no
discomfort. Like many politicians of the Gilded Age, he genuinely
believed that society benefited when its elected leaders were guided by
men of wealth. A card-playing companion of J. P. Morgan, he treated his
own lack of a fortune as a providential error, one to be duly
rectified. In fact, in the early 1890s, he had flirted with leaving the
Senate; however, a Rhode Island business tycoon, Marsden J. Perry,
offered him a way to stay in Congress and still maintain the lavish
lifestyle that he, Abby, and their eight children had come to enjoy.
Perry made Aldrich a partner in a plan to consolidate and electrify the
state's trolleys; critically, the millions in capital needed to fund
the modernization were provided by the Sugar Trust. Buoyed by this
investment, Aldrich soon had a personal fortune that ran into the
millions, and he could attend to his legislative work without the
distraction of material concerns.
"Aldrich saw nothing wrong in such a convenient partnership with
sugar—the industry over which he held so much power. He would have
said that his votes for sugar tariffs were votes of conscience. His
links to the business elite were further sealed by the marriage of his
daughter Abby, in 1901, to John D. Rockefeller Jr. In a perceptive
senior thesis submitted at Harvard six decades later, Michael
Rockefeller, the senator's great-grandson, would write that 'it became
easy for Aldrich to conceive of legislation as being primarily a problem
of consultation with the economic aristocracy followed by the
application of personal authority.' "
author: Roger Lowenstein
title: America's Bank: The Epic Struggle To Create the Federal Reserve
publisher: Penguin Press
date: copyright 2015 by Roger Lowenstein
pages: 33-34, 38, 41-43
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