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Zombies at CERN!

Mayans and Zombies and CERN ~ oh, my! The idea of the Large Hadron Collider working its magic ~ and perhaps opening up a worm hole or two ~ on the end date of the Mayan calendar (12/21/12) was just too much for two physics students from the University of Manchester, England. So they made a low-budget (practically no-budget) indie movie about it, adding in a few Zombies because ... well, that was the only thing that was missing. And CERN actually let them film it there! (story and videos):
   Although the above-referenced story gives the release date as end of November, the official website says it'll be online Dec. 8:
   CAUTION: As one can imagine with a film featuring Zombies, Decay (and its trailer) are a bit gory and scary, i.e., not for the little ones or anyone who tends to get nightmares.

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